Born in Kuantan Taluk on 9 April 1969. He is a Director of PT Bakrieland Development Tbk based on decision of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders dated 21 July 2022.
Concurrently he also serves as Commissioner of PT Bumi Sentra Investama (since 2022) and President Director of PT Bakrie Pesona Rasuna (since 2016). He served as Commissioner of PT Bahana Sukma Sejahtera (2022-2023), Commissioner of PT Jasa Boga Raya (2022-2023), Director of PT Bakrie Pangripta Loka (2011-2016), Chief Financial Officer of PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama (2004-2011), Chief Financial Officer of PT Bakrie Nirwana Resort (2003-2004) and as Auditor and Audit Manager of KAP Prasetio, Utama & Co (Arthur Andersen) (1995-2003).
He graduated with a Bachelor degree in Economics from The Faculty of Economic, University of Indonesia (1995).
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