Bakrieland’s commitment to incorporate economic interest (profit), social empathy (people) and active participation in environmental preservation (planet) into its business operations is accomplished through the development of the integrated “Bakrieland Goes Green” (BGG), CSR program launched on February 4, 2008. Since than, The Company has consistently implemented a sustainable concept for the environment around its operational units through what is known as Bakrieland Goes Green (BGG) which consists of Green Architecture or property development based on green values, Green Operation or property management based on green values, and Green Attitude or all residents of the Company's property are directed to behave in green values.
In its journey, considering the urgency needed today and the extensive commitment and concerns for the society, the Company has renewed and incorporated the concepts of Green Architecture and Green Operation into Green Through and Through, which remains one of the four pillars Bakrieland’s Corporate Sustainability Pillars (BCSP). Together with three other pillars, namely Financially Sustainable, Adopting Best Practices & Compliance, and It’s About The People, the Company expects the four pillars can be implemented hand in hand integratedly to the maximum to manifest the Company’s sustainable business process.
BCSP is also integrated by Bakrieland with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) which is a shared commitment to solving global problems.
Financially Sustainable
Financially Sustainable means that the Company is able and has the capacity to obtain long-term and sustainable financial benefits as a form of responsibility to the Company's stakeholders through profitable operational activities and services and through investment in various potential projects and new business fields. Finally, the Company can contribute to the development of the local economy and provide positive benefits to employees, communities and business partners.
Green Through and Through
Green Through and Through is a pillar that encompasses all of the production lines undertaken by the Company from determining project location and development plans, eco-friendly design and development process, as well as generated waste treatment and, environmental conservation around the project sites, up to transferring environmentally friendly principles throughout the Company’s entire operational chain.
It's About the People
It's About the People pillar is the Company's commitment to provide the best benefits and protection for customers, employees, and the surrounding community.

Best Practices & Compliances
Best Practices and Compliance are applied consistently from year to year because the Company believes it can produce a significant and profitable impact for all shareholders and stakeholders. Therefore, the values and principles that are used as references in their application are always reviewed, evaluated, implanted and socialized to all stakeholders so that each individual always applies them in daily activities.
Bakrieland is also established a roadmap towards sustainability, Bakrieland’s 2030 Sustainability Vision, which further sharpened the directions and goals that will be achieved together as a good corporate citizen.
Bakrieland’s 2030 Sustainability Vision provides a long-term strategic direction for the implementation of its Corporate Sustainability strategy and a display of strategic commitment to the practical application of the pillars by all Business Units and employees, in planning, conducting, monitoring, and reporting subsequent sustainability programs, which can be adjusted to the Company’s operational conditions and stakeholders’ expectations at each of the Business Units.
Bakrieland’s 2030 Sustainability Vision can be separated into:
- Phase 1, in which the Company launches, introduces and strengthens its sustainability pillars and forms an integrated business sustainability working system.
- Phase 2 is the implementation phase at the operational level by all Business Units across Indonesia. This phase will take the longest, as the Company ensures each of is Business Units to fully understand and consistently implement programs that support the Company’s commitment towards sustainability.
- Phase 3, in which the Company wishes to inspire and invites participation from various stakeholders, including visitors, guests, residents, tenants, employees, suppliers and surrounding communities, to include sustainability principles as their lifestyles and a part of the community culture.